
Scott McGrath
An experienced programmer and network administrator with over 20 years of application development expertise. A motivated self-starter with diverse skills
ranging from web development to marketing and sales. A skilled instructor in Web Development.

Languages & Software:
RPG/IV(ILE), CL, Query400, SDA, RLU, SEU, PDM, HTML, Java 2, Java Script, VbScript, ASP, JQuery, Flash 5.0, Flash MX,  Adobe Photoshop,  MS Excel,
MS Word, MS Power Point,  MS Access, Symtrax Compleo/Mapform, MS Small Business Server Administration, Avaya IP Office, SQL Server 2005,
Symtrax Compleo and Mapform, php, mySQL

Hardware/Operating Systems:
AS/400, Windows 98, Windows XP, Windows NT, Microsoft Server 2003,Windows Vista, Unix, DOS

Business Applications
Order Processing, Billing, Purchasing, Inventory Control, A/R, A/P, Human Resources, Payroll, Marketing, Sales Analysis, Invoicing, Order Entry,
Data Management, Pricing, Financial Forecasting, Marketing.

Website References,,


My Shoe Connection, LLC
10/11 - Present
	Maintain website using ASP, JQuery, HTML, CSS with a mySql database. Upload product images and data pertaining to those products. Maintain facebook
	and twitter interaction. Created product upload for google merchant center. Created programs to create inventory uploads to amazon and sears.
	Designed this website from the ground and continue to make changes as necessary. Communicate with customers and maintain professional and courteous
	attitude. Created a content management system which includes inventory management and sales analysis. Created order management system to maintain
	unshipped and unconfirmed orders while also maintaining unpaid orders. This system also includes the ability to upload shipping information to sears
	through the use of XML, ajax, jquery and classic asp. Most recent change to this site was converting this site to use media queries in the CSS and
	present the site differently based on screen size of the visitor making it mobile friendly.

Compass Health Care
10/11 - 9/13
	Worked as a part time consultant remotely with occasional visits to the office. Helped create websites using php, mysql, html, css and jquery. Created
	forms using html and css with jquery validation. Created email templates using html. Some of the sites I worked on several sites including,,
	I was given edits and modifications in either a spreadsheet or text and was required to give an estimate of time.
	I was always on time or earlier than the deadline.

4/11 - 10/11
	Hourly consultant
	Created web pages using RPGLE on an IBM I-Series which included css and javascript.
	Created and modified jquery scripts to create effects such as sliding content and form validation. Also used php and asp
	to create templates as well as css and html. Modified some programs that were using ajax and jquery to load web pages from a
	SQLServer database. Created tables in MySQL and created web forms which wrote to those tables using php, sql, and jquery.

Independent Web Developer
6/09 - 4/11
	Created and designed websites for My Shoe Connection and My Dress Connection using classic asp, CSS, photoshop, HTML, XML,
	and javascript with access and mySQL databases.	Created mirror sites for AAFES which required adhering to AAFES standards
	and creating an XML shopping cart which is transferred to AAFES using HTTP requests. Also receive HTTP XML requests to
	receive order detail and purchase order acknowledgements. Created a custom CMS portal to maintain product, inventory, customer orders, etc.
	Maintain website with constantly changing inventory and product. Add new features and social networking aspects as they
	become popular or available. Maintain blogs for fashion trends and celebrity fashions used to promote product on both company websites.
	Maintain facebook fan pages and twitter account used to promote websites. Manage incoming orders, confirm orders with manufacturers
	as well as customers. Follow up with customers and vendors to make sure shipments are going out according to schedule.
	Created and maintain several other sites referenced above.

Mon Cheri Bridals, LLC IT Manager AS/400 Application Programming
11/06 - 6/09
	Created several programs in RPGLe and CL which integrated an online order process into the current system. Generated several ad-hoc reports
	using QRY400.

	Web Development - Redesigned the retailer portal to add several ways to market additional products to visitors. Added an online order entry feature
	to ease the burden on the phone system and allow customers more access to inventory. Created ability to send mass email marketing campaigns as well
	as ways to save prospects and leads and gather information about these prospects. I created several web applications to improve communication between
	sales reps, internal employees, retail customers and consumers.  Created an SEO and SEM plan along with the marketing department. Languages used were
	asp, html, javascript,  xml and flash. Also used photoshop CS4 for image and template creation.

	Network Administration - responsibilities included network administration for  Microsoft Small Business Network 2003, antivirus, security and
	maintenance	on both the client desktops as well as the server. Created new applications to reduce cost of preprinted forms by creating custom forms
	and printing as	needed using Compleo. I was also responsible for the VOIP system (Avaya), adding new phones, moving extensions and maintaining
	the external directory.	I modified our phone system to include promotional messages in our greeting as well as when a customer is waiting to
	speak to a customer service representative.

CBA Information Solutions
08/05 - 11/06 -  Programmer/Analyst AS/400, Web Developer
	Developed and modified applications for the AS/400 using RPGILE and CL. Created RPGLE programs which interacted with the user using a web interface
	such as Internet Explorer. Created programs which created XML documents as well as email documents with embedded HTML. Using HTML and java script on
	the client side and RPGLE on the server side, I created applications that allowed a user to view, update and add records to existing AS/400 files.
	I created several applications which fed an excel spreadsheet to the AS/400 as a tab-delimited file and parsed that file into usable data on the
	AS/400. Created an application which read through an excel spreadsheet and used the data on that spreadsheet to search through our customer database
	for possible matches. Modified existing AS/400 applications including display files, subfiles, CL programs and RPGLE programs.

Corsemax Inc
07/04 - 02/05 -  Programmer/Analyst AS/400, Web Developer
	Developed and modified applications for the AS/400 using RPGILE and CL. Created several maintenance programs for existing files as well creating
	new files and programs to maintain them. Created programs using CL to gain knowledge of system information used in a total system migration.
	Individually responsible for migrating data from an AS/400 in Mexico to an AS/400 in the U.S.  I also created several reports using MS Access
	with samples provided by the client in Mexico. These reports used data from the AS/400 and were the data was accessed using an ODBC connection
	as well as VBA to control and manipulate the SQL used to generate the reports.

L&N Sales and Marketing
10/00 - 05/04 -  Programmer/Analyst AS/400, Web Developer
	Developed applications for the AS/400 using RPGILE and CL. Modified existing applications that are part of APPCON’s software package. This included adding and
	modifiying display files or adding additional functionality to the existing applications. Developed several applications on the intranet to be used by the Sales
	and Accounting departments which will enable them to track credits taken and allowed as well as sales analysis tools. These applications are written using HTML,
	ASP, VbScript, and JavaScript. It includes multiple pages and connections to a SQL database with write, update, and edit of records in the tables. Designed the
	database to be used by these application.

4/00 - 10/00-  Programmer/Analyst AS/400
	Developed and designed as well as installed new system to create outgoing 852 (Product Activity Data) documents. This system gave the user more control and
	allowed easier access to adding and deleting vendors from the system. Developed, designed and installed incoming 810 (Invoice) system that allowed the user
	to print, display, and edit invoices interactively. Created new system for outgoing 810 (Invoices) where the user could easily add new vendors to the system
	as well run invoices by vendor or invoice date. Added new fields to various user files used in EDI maps and added logic to programs to populate these fields.
	Created new utility for the IT department that would allow us to send spooled files onto the PC via client access by entering a command on the AS/400.
	Created system to transfer and translate text files from the PC to the AS/400 using client access.

RCG Information Technology Inc.
8/99 to 4/00 - Programmer/Analyst AS/400 (Independent Consultant)
	 De Lage Landen
		Vendor Maintenance Initiative - My role in this project was to create applications as well as modify existing applications. I modified the existing Vendor
		Inquiry application to expand the search criteria by adding additional fields to the initial prompt screen and adding a toggle view of information. I added
		fields to the Vendor Maintenance Application by using fields in files that were previously unused. I expanded a field size in one of the Vendor Files that
		affected many of the Vendor Applications. The current vendor review system scored vendors based on their payment history and other variables. The users did
		not understand the scoring system. I had to document how these tests were performed as well as understand how and when these tests were performed. I modified
		the Vendor Review Inquiry application to give a more specific and detailed view of the test results. I converted the program to ILE RPG. I rewrote the testing
		application using ILE RPG and gave the user an interface to allow the user to specify which tests to run and when to run them as well as specify which vendors
		and the type of output(printed or queued). Lines of Business - The system did not have the ability to report on receivables by something called a "Line of Business".
		11 A/R programs had to be modified to write to a file whenever a record was written to a summary file. The new file contained lease and account level information
		which could be used to link back to the line of business and thus report by the line of business. There were some programs which already wrote to the detail file.
		I had to verify that these programs were writing records for each GL account in the detail whenever a records was written to A/R file. I had to create a subroutine
		which would be generic enough to be used in all remaining programs whenever a write to the A/R file occurred.

I/S Computer Services
9/97 to 8/99 - Independent Contractor (Programmer, Analyst AS/400, Web Developer)
	Crown, Cork, and Seal
		Using ILE RPG and CL I modified the pallet ticket print process to change a lot identifier code based on certain changes in work schedule which included working
		with a PC based barcode labeling system.(Loftware). Made many modifications to production reports. Created a system to allow users access to records which were
		previously locked by the software. Modified programs that were locking users out of records. Rewrote a system that would allow users to download label formats
		created using Loftware on the AS/400 using Client Access. The system would integrate these format files into a database file, which would then be used by existing
		programs to print labels as needed.
	ARCO Chemical Company
		Designed and implemented web pages for Arco’s Electronic  Commerce web site . Pages included detailed information on Arco’s EDI   initiative, EDI tutorial, and an
		EDI Survey for prospective trading partners  as well as the Trading Partner Agreement, which includes detailed map  information for trading partners. I created a CGI
		written in ILE RPG to  process information received from the survey and store that data in a  database file. I created a program to analyze the records in the
		database file  and create an HTML document displaying the statistics from the analysis  using ILE RPG as the CGI and RPG IV to create the HTML document
		interactively. Documents I have worked with include: 810, 820, 824, 831, 850, 855, 856, 830, 997. Implemented document 838(Parent I.D.) with trading partner.
		Created programs to interface with current software which would extract new customers entered into the system and prepare them for transmission via EDI to the
		trading partner. Upon receipt of the 838 the records would be implemented into a data warehouse file. Added new trading partners as well as defined data maps
		and user file definitions to Premenos. Created report to scan 997's(Functional Acknowledgements) received from trading partners for errors. Created reports to
		check mailbox file against control files which ensures that all necessary documents are generated by their respective systems. The systems include P.O.’s, invoices,
		shipping plans, and advanced shipping notices.

L & N Sales and Marketing
7/95 to 9/97 - Programmer/Analyst (AS/400)
	Designed, created, and implemented an inventory transfer system which interfaced with the current software system. Created Adhoc reports for sales analysis, inventory
	analysis, and productivity analysis using  QUERY400, RPG, and CL. Made many modifications to applications, which were originally  written on a System 36 in RPG2 and OCL.
	Made modifications to both physical files and system 36 files.  Created an interface  with T.L. Ashford  Label printing software that creates bar-code labels using the
	current order detail file. Created programs to report various information concerning A/R and A/P to the CFO. Installed numerous PCs and P.C. software including
	Microsoft Office, Andrew Elite 5250 emulation software as well as installed emulation boards to PCs. Using Elite ETU, I downloaded files from P.C. to AS/400 and
	vise versa. Trained users on AS/400 applications as well as P.C. applications. Assisted users whenever needed. Assist M.I.S. Director in program design and overall
	system maintenance. Installed  ETU and  MSI Laboratories' Pagerlink on the AS/400. Responsible for Maintaining System security that includes adding user profiles.
	Set up EDI customers using Premenos. Created majority of programs for major AS/400 software conversion. Programs included inventory master file, order header and
	detail files, customer promotions files, and inventory costing files. Assisted in overall design and implementation of P.C. network which included installing and
	configuring network cards along with installing and configuring "Client Access 400" software. Performed maintenance and repairs on P.C.'s when necessary which included
	hardware replacements as well as software tuning.

Simkar Lighting and Fixture Inc.
10/94 to 7/95 - Programmer/Analyst (AS/400)
	Created an interactive Sales analysis which required background programs which ran on a monthly, weekly, or daily basis, based on user parameters. The background
	programs would keep files used exclusively for the sales analysis program updated. The interactive program was highly subfile and window oriented including window
	subfiles. Converted some high level queries into RPG400 programs and using a job schedule entry, scheduled them to run automatically when needed. Created and modified
	both batch and interactive programs. All programs were interfaced with current software. Trained and assisted users whenever needed.

7/93 to 10/94 - Full Time Consultant
10/94  7/95 - Part time consultant
	Designed and created an Interactive Dispatch System for Conrail Mercury (A.K.A Conrail Direct) The system involved updating and creating records as well as deleting
	records from 10 files at the same time. The system used subfiles, windows, and window subfiles as well as inquiry programs. Interacted with McCormick and Associates
	during program design and creation. Created reports and on line inquiries as needed. Assisted in System38 to AS/400 conversion. Stayed on as part time employee after
	leaving for a position closer to home so that I could finish the current project.

Citone Institute
5/02 - 12/02- Part Time Instructor
	Instructed classes ranging from 4 to 20 students in the subjects of Java and Web Development Including Flash 5.0. Developed lesson plans as well as quizzes and exams. Used overhead projector, practice exercises and lecture during lessons
CHI Institute
1/01 to 1/02 - Part Time Instructor
	Instructed classes ranging from 4 to 20 students in the subjects of Java, Web Development, and MS Access. Developed lesson plans as well as quizzes and exams. Used overhead projector, practice exercises and lecture during lessons.
CLC Technical Institute
9/00 - 1/01- Part Time Instructor
	Instructed classes ranging from 4 to 20 students in the subjects of Java and Web Development. Developed lesson plans as well as quizzes and exams. Used overhead projector, practice exercises and lecture during lessons.

Bucks County Community College
Unix - Introduction to Unix
Accounting, Intro. to Computer Science
Vytag Advantage(A.K.A. Info Source Corp.)
Java and web development.
AS/400 - RPG, CL, QRY400, SQL400, SDA, RLU