About Me

My name is Scott McGrath. I have been working in the IT field for over 20 years. I have been developing websites both freelance and in corporate environments for over 10 years. As the technologies have changed, so have I. I try to keep up with the latest programming languages and models to create the best user experience possible for every website I create or modify. As a web developer, it is important to find and learn the skills that employers want and customers need. You can view a list of my skills below or check out my resume here. For more information, you can use the contact page or email me at smartpgmr@yahoo.com.

    I consider myself to be mid to senior level in the following skills:
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JQuery
  • Classic ASP
    I consider myself to be junior to mid level in the following skills:
  • PHP
  • angular.js
  • Bootstrap
  • java

About This Site

I created this site to present some of my past and present projects in one place where potential employers or customers can see what I can do and what type of person I am.

This site was created using bootstrap and php. The navigation is built dynamically through php and an xml sitemap file.