Web Site Samples

This page will show websites I have either created from scratch or modified.

Here are some of the latest websites I have designed and developed from scratch.

This is an e-commerce site which includes a custom made shopping cart. This website was created using classic asp, html and css with media queries to make it mobile friendly. Jquery is used heavily throughout the site to load dynamic content and ajax is used to load content by running a query against a mySql database.

All photos and the logo were provided by the company. I designed the site and used a jquery plugin to display the photos at the bottom of each page. This website was created using classic asp, html and css. Jquery is used heavily throughout the site to load dynamic content. A sitemap xml file is parsed using classic asp to create the navigation tabs. CSS is used to create the drop down navigation.

I created this site to honor my grandfather and help him sell some books. This website was created using classic asp, html and css with media queries to make it mobile friendly. Jquery is used heavily throughout the site to load dynamic content ajax run database queries.

Here are some websites I helped to develop

This website uses php, html, css and jquery. I did not design or create this site. My role in this site was loading and formatting content using css and html. I also worked with some jquery on this site.

This site uses php as the back end language. I used jquery and css to render certain elements as well as import content into the pages.

This website was created using classic asp, html and css. I worked briefly on this site (two days) fixing a bug in animated banner.